The Bush SchoolAnnouncements

Kindergarten-Second Grade Reading Night - Thursday, January 23

Join us on Thursday, January 23 from 6:00-7:00 p.m. in the Bush library for a fun and engaging evening with Lower School Reading Specialist Heidi Kestelyn.

Heidi will lead parents and guardians through the foundational pieces of our reading program including the K-2 Fundations phonics programs, as well as share tools that parents and guardians can use at home. Students are also invited and will be led in an engaging reading activity by Lower School Librarian Laura Chesebro.

Please RSVP here so that we can plan accordingly. Get ready to have “aha moments”, play games, and gain a deeper understanding of what your child is learning in the classroom. This event is open to Kindergarten through Second Grade parents and guardians and students.
The Bush School is an independent, coeducational day school located in Seattle, WA enrolling 735 students in grades K–12. The mission of The Bush School is to spark in students of diverse backgrounds and talents a passion for learning, accomplishment, and contribution to their communities

3400 East Harrison Street, Seattle WA 98112 (206) 322-7978
The Bush School does not discriminate in matters of employment, recruitment, admissions, or administration of any of its programs on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national or ethnic origin, disability, gender, or sexual orientation. In addition, The Bush School does not discriminate in matters of employment on the basis of age or marital status
© 2022  The Bush School