The Bush School
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OverviewThe Bush SKIBUS

The Bush SKIBUS program provides full-day, “bus-to-lift” ski and snowboarding trips to major regional ski resorts in the Pacific Northwest, enabling students to appreciate the amazing alpine environment while skiing, snowboarding & bonding with fellow students. The program is accessible to Bush students at all skill levels in Sixth through Twelfth Grade and offers Bush parents/guardians, faculty, and staff a unique and exciting volunteer opportunity. 

List of 2 items.

  • About Bush SKIBUS

    • The Bush School SKIBUS program operates under the direction of The Bush School and offers ski/snowboarding trips to Sixth to Twelfth Grade students.  
    • The program organizes and coordinates several all-day ski trips to regional ski resorts (such as Crystal Mountain and Steven Pass) from January through April of each year.  
    • SKIBUS is managed and operated by Bush SKIBUS Coordinators who are parent volunteers.  
    • Each SKIBUS trip has a designated Trip Manager (one of the SKIBUS Coordinators). The Trip Manager is responsible for managing the execution of all aspects of a specific SKIBUS trip, is present from the beginning to the end of the trip on the bus and on the mountain and is Bush’s primary representative during the trip.  
    • Chaperones are parent volunteers and/or Bush Faculty/Staff members who assist the Trip Manager with executing the SKIBUS trip.  
    • SKIBUS is open to beginner through advanced skiers/snowboarders.  
    • Parents are expected to notify the SKIBUS Coordinators if their child is new to snow sports during registration. Students who are new to snow sports MUST be registered by their parents for a ski lessonat the resort day of the trip.  
    • When students arrive at the ski area, they are expected to be respectful of their classmates and all other skiers/snowboarders and the ski area.  
    • Students are expected to abide by the Bush School Student Handbook Code of Conduct and expectations of student behavior for this school-affiliated program.  
    • Students organize and ski/snowboard in their own groups. Students never ski/snowboard alone.  
    • Although the Trip Manager and adult chaperones are present on the mountain, it is important to note that they are not responsible for supervising individual skiers/snowboarders or groups on the mountain.   
  • Participation Costs & Registration

    SKIBUS offers two different participation models that cover transportation, program, and lift ticket costs: The Pass and A la Carte.  

    The PASS 
    The Pass offers students access to all trips that SKIBUS offers. "The Pass" is the best model for regular SKIBUS participants.

    * Projected SKIBUS Season Pass and A La Carte participation model pricing will be published as part of SKIBUS registration. Note that final SKIBUS pricing will be determined at the close of the season (usually April) and that gear, lessons, lunch/snack money are not included as part of Season Pass or A La Carte participation models 

    The Bush School is able to provide financial assistance for costs associated with the bus, rental gear, and ski lessons. Director of Enrollment Management Adam Choice will share more information directly with families who receive financial aid. For additional questions about the Financial Aid for Bush SKIBUS Program, please contact Adam 
    • Only registeredparticipants can purchase discounted lift tickets; and they can only purchase those lift tickets for their own personal use
    • Students must ride SKIBUS to the resort to receive a discounted lift ticket 
    Participants are responsible for all SKIBUS program trip costs for which they have registered, regardless of whether they attend a trip with the following exceptions: 
    • Students that have sustained a season-ending injury that prevents them from participating in snow sports and that is supported by a medical doctor can request an exemption from remaining transportation costs - please contact SKIBUS Coordinators
    • In the event of a trip cancellation by Bush, no transportation costs will be charged for the cancelled trip
    • Exchange – SKIBUS tickets may be exchanged like-for-like for SKIBUS tickets on any remaining SKIBUS trip in the season without charge, provided capacity exists on those trips. Contact to initiate an exchange. You will be contacted by SKIBUS staff if the exchange is successful
    • Transfer – It is sometimes possible to transfer a registered participant's seat on a given trip to another qualified Bush student. ContactSKIBUS@bush.eduas soon as possible if you wish to attempt a transfer (recommend at least two days before the registered trip.) Seat(s) that are successfully transferred will transfer the cost of those seats to the recipient. Note that lift tickets & associated cost is typically NOT transferrable. You will be contacted by SKIBUS staff if the transfer is successful
    Registration for the Bush 2024-2025 SKIBUS season will open Friday, November 1 at 8:00 a.m. and close on Friday November 29, at 11:59 p.m. 
    • Parents/Guardians may add/remove trips and change registration model (SKIBUS season pass versus a la carte) at any time during the open registration period
    • The SKIBUS program endeavors to supply seats for all students for all registered trips without a waitlist. However, depending upon the registration volumes for specific trips, a waitlist may be required. In such cases, available capacity will be initially assigned to SKIBUS Pass holders, with any remaining seats assigned to registered students at random. Coordinators will contact parents/guardians with waitlisted students via email and/or phone if a seat opens for a given trip
    • SKIBUS volunteer chaperone registration runs concurrently with student registration
    • Registration status will be sent to registered parents/guardians/students once registration closes. Status will identify all students who are registered for each trip along with whether their registration is confirmed or waitlisted.  SKIBUS registration status may be reviewed/confirmed at any time via SKIBUSPRO.COM
    • Any SKIBUS and lift tickets remaining after open registrationends will be available first-come, first-served at a la carte pricingto students who registered for SKIBUS. To acquireresidual tickets, parent/guardian should email SKIBUS@Bush.eduat least 48 hoursbefore trip departure
    Email should identify:
    • Student(s) who wishes to participate
    • Which SKIBUS trip(s) students want to join
    • If the student(s) needs lift tickets
    • Parent will receive email confirming trip commitment status at least 24-hours before trip departure. Please be sure you receive this commitment status email before arriving for trip departure

Bush SKIBUS Safety & Guidelines

While the Bush SKIBUS program endeavors for all students to have a safe and positive experience, participation in the Bush SKIBUS program – as with participating in any skiing and/or snowboarding program - can result in serious injuries or death if proper safety measures aren't taken before, during, and after trips. Ensuring students have weather-appropriate gear and follow the National Ski Areas Association (NSAA) rules and protocol is imperative.  
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The Bush School is an independent, coeducational day school located in Seattle, WA enrolling 735 students in grades K–12. The mission of The Bush School is to spark in students of diverse backgrounds and talents a passion for learning, accomplishment, and contribution to their communities

3400 East Harrison Street, Seattle WA 98112 (206) 322-7978
The Bush School does not discriminate in matters of employment, recruitment, admissions, or administration of any of its programs on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national or ethnic origin, disability, gender, or sexual orientation. In addition, The Bush School does not discriminate in matters of employment on the basis of age or marital status
© 2022  The Bush School