Instructors: Kirsten Sundberg Lunstrum (Week 1), Melissa Lanctot & Michelle Naito-Lo (Week 2)
Time: 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. (including a break for lunch)
Description: This one-week course for rising seniors explores the writing portions of the college application process. Writing the College Essay helps students craft a compelling personal narrative of who they are and how they want to present themselves to colleges with both joy and authenticity.
Note: Students must bring a laptop to each class session and should expect to write both in class and at home throughout the week. This class is offered three times in July and August, and students should sign up for one week only. Please note that financial aid for this course is available to current Bush students who receive financial aid for tuition. Please see the Financial Aid section for more information.
Instructor: TBA
Dates: Monday, June 30 - Friday, July 25 (No class on July 4)
Age: Ninth through Twelfth Grade, open to all students
# of Days: Nineteen
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Location: In-person at The Bush School
Cost: $1650
Prerequisite: Students who have completed Algebra
Description: This is an intensive course designed to present the major topics of a geometry course with practice problems that lead to fluency. Emphasis is on relationships among spatial constructs, algebraic applications and using deductive reasoning for proof. This course can serve as a student’s comprehensive study of geometry at the high school level or prepare students for a more in-depthexamination of a full-year geometry class. Enrollment in this class does not imply placement in Algebra II in the coming academic year. This decision is made through a placement test and in consultation with the Department Chair at the conclusion of the summer course.
Introductory Calculus
Instructor: TBA
Dates: Monday, June 30 - Friday, July 25 (No class on July 4)
Age: Ninth through Twelfth Grade, open to all students
# of Days: Nineteen
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Location: In-person at The Bush School
Cost: $1650
Prerequisite: Math Analysis or equivalent Pre-Calculus course
Description: This course synthesizes a wide array of previous math experiences. Among other topics, this class introduces polar and parametric equations, vectors, difference equations, and logistic functions. Concepts introduced in Math Analysis are refined, broadened, and extended. Through graphic, numerical, and algebraic points of view, the groundwork is laid for a formal development of rates of change and limits of infinite sums. Enrollment in this class does not imply placement in Advanced Calculus in the coming academic year. Enrollment in this class does not imply placement in Introductory Calculus in the coming academic year. This decision is made through a placement test and in consultation with the Department Chair at the conclusion of the summer course.
Pre-Season Writing
Instructor: Sarah Cohen
Dates: July 28 - August 8
Age: Ninth and Tenth Grade
# of Days: Ten
Time: 9:00 - 11:00 a.m.
Location: In-person at The Bush School
Cost: $650
Description: The transition into high school is an important one. This class will help students manage this transition by preparing them to write at a high school level. Students in the Pre-Season Writing course will have a chance to brush up on techniques they may not have used much during the summer. Drafting and gathering feedback on writing in a helpful workshop atmosphere allows students to combine the serious purpose of building stronger skills with the fun of working together. The goal is to have students enter their high school year with a sharpened sense of how to write well at this level. This course focuses on three areas of preparation: approaching writing assignments, generating ideas, and reviewing the basics.
Approaching writing assignments: How to "receive" an assignment, understand what is being asked, break it down into manageable chunks, and do the assignment in an efficient, timely, and effective manner.
Generating ideas, or brainstorming: How to develop a simple idea into a complex nuanced argument, how to narrow a broad idea into a focused topic, and how to write a strong thesis statement.
Reviewing the basics: writing strong, varied sentences; focused, complete, and concise paragraphs; and logical, tightly organized essays. Attention will be given to grammar, mechanics, spelling, and vocabulary in context.
Study Skills for High School
Instructor: Sarah Cohen
Dates: July 28 - August 8
Age: Ninth and Tenth Grade
# of Days: Ten
Time: 12:00 - 1:30 p.m.
Location: In-person at The Bush School
Cost: $500
Description: The transition to high school is a time of tremendous change. This course is designed to ease the transition by providing students with the study skills and tools necessary to manage a more demanding academic load. The course will address homework habits, planning, time management, organization, big projects and tests, mental health, self-reflection, and self-advocacy.
Instructor: TBA
Dates: TBA
Age: Ninth through Twelfth grade
# of Days: Sporadically through the summer
Time: TBA
Location: In-person at The Bush School
Cost: FREE
Description: Are you interested in Robotics Club — or already in it? We’re inviting all levels, from beginners to experienced engineers and coders, to join us for the annual summer design/build series. Register via campbrain to show your interest, and we will send out emails with information on student-led build sessions throughout the summer.
Competitive robotics is rapidly gaining popularity in the Seattle area. Maintaining Bush Robotics as a team to be reckoned with depends on plenty of time to design and build — oh, and to get it wrong, too. Iteration and testing is what this class is all about. Since robotics contests start early in the fall, let’s get a jump on your designs.
These summer workshops are about your ideas and ambitions. The Vex Robotics platform has become ever more exciting as they’ve added all manner of sensors, wheel types, and pneumatic pistons. The Bush Robotics team has a history of thinking differently about how to approach each game, and we’ve built an inviting creation lab for whatever you can scheme up.
Join us for one or more iterations in this series of design/build sessions. Even if you can’t make all of them, you can still have a big impact on the final robot and a hand in elevating Bush Robotics.