The Bush School

Around CampusBush News

Share the Love a Reminder of Community Support

Colorful pieces of paper full of encouraging and uplifting messages filled the walls of The Bush School’s Main Building in the spring of 2022. For the first time since 2019, Bush community members participated in person in “Share the Love”—an annual event organized by Bush parents and guardians to express their appreciation to the school’s faculty and staff through notes and donations. 

“When I saw the incredible number of messages of love and support, it was overwhelming,” Bush Sixth Grade History Teacher Mike Jackson said. “Not unexpected, but a joyful reminder of the support and love that is always there in this community!”
In a coordinated school-wide effort, the notes were delivered as part of Faculty and Staff Appreciation Week in early May. With in-person learning resuming in 2021, notes were able to be delivered in person and put on display throughout the campus. Families Association (FA) President Alison Behnke explained that “Share the Love” was truly a community effort, citing the divisional FA volunteers and students stepping up to help express their gratitude.

During an academic year that took courage to return to learning in person full-time for K-12 students, faculty, and staff—while still navigating the ebbs and flows of a pandemic—this event was a reminder of what makes Bush such a connected community. 

“During a year of isolation, the personal messages directly from members of our community were joyful moments that really helped make last year possible,” Mike said. “I am so thankful to work in such a strong, caring community.”

In total, 100 notes were delivered and 904 digital notes were sent to faculty and staff from families and students. The event brought in $25,000 in funds, which was divided evenly among faculty and staff in the form of a cash gift during Faculty and Staff Appreciation Week. 

“The community stepped up to make sure  all Bush faculty and staff members, including those who work behind the scenes, received notes of appreciation,” Alison said. “It was powerful to see ‘Share theLove’ notes pour in from parents, guardians, and students alike.”

Some of the notes shared:

To: Sara Fischer
“Thank you for being an inspiring math teacher, a fantastic coach, and for leading the charge for our first in-person graduation in years! We are lucky to have you as dean next year.” - Lindsey Amtmann P. ’23

To: Abdi Mohamed
“Thank you for keeping our school clean so we can be healthy while we learn.” - Weston B. ’30

To: Tammy Gyapong
“Tammy, we’re so grateful for your efficiency, kind welcomes, and organization. Thank you for all you do for the entire Bush community!” 

To: Matt Swanson
“Music Matt, you have brought such infectious energy and love for music into our home. Our girls come home with such excitement and delight to tell us about songs they have been working on in music class. This year’s choir performance was the highlight of the year for Adelaide. Thank you for sharing your talent and love of music with our children.  You have brightened so many of their days!” - The Brown Family

-by Mary Albl, Communications Manager 
The Bush School is an independent, coeducational day school located in Seattle, WA enrolling 735 students in grades K–12. The mission of The Bush School is to spark in students of diverse backgrounds and talents a passion for learning, accomplishment, and contribution to their communities

3400 East Harrison Street, Seattle WA 98112 (206) 322-7978
The Bush School does not discriminate in matters of employment, recruitment, admissions, or administration of any of its programs on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national or ethnic origin, disability, gender, or sexual orientation. In addition, The Bush School does not discriminate in matters of employment on the basis of age or marital status
© 2022  The Bush School