Tell us about your role on the Rambler.
This year I am the editor-in-chief, and last year I was the copy editor-in-chief. My role is to read every single article for content. I advocate for my writers and look over everything with the faculty advisor and the Upper School Director before everything gets published. I also control the overall scheduling for each issue.
How did you get involved?
I loved writing, so I joined freshman year and pitched a short story serial. Everyone was so welcoming and so encouraging—I don’t think I would be here today without the upperclassmen at the time encouraging me like that. I also feel like that taught me how to edit, and I did a lot of copy editing my sophomore year.
How big is the staff, and how often do you publish?
We consistently have a core team of eight-to-ten people. We publish once a month, typically about six to ten articles, a games section, and art. Usually a staff artist works with a writer to create art for the articles. Currently our most popular section is the horoscope (laughs). I think people just love hearing something about themselves and reading something that is personalized.
What is your favorite part about running The Rambler?
My favorite part is the way I get to see the hidden talents of people across the different grades. When I have their articles in front of me, it’s so interesting to see this part of them I didn’t know and get to kind of meet them in that way. The nicest thing about The Rambler is that we’re a unit, but there’s a lot of individuality.
How do you feel about continuing a project that’s been going on since 1931?
It’s so interesting, because in some sense I was taught to run
The Rambler by people a few years older than me, but then I’m also participating in a thing that existed almost 100 years ago. Every so often I’ll have a chance to look through archives and see that I’m part of this tradition that’s lasted decades and decades. (Ed note: you can view old issues of
The Rambler through the
Bush Archives website).
Did any themes emerge for you when you looked through The Rambler archives?
The thing about The Rambler, Bush students think about things very differently. I saw articles on political trends, philosophy, not necessarily about the school, but larger scale events, often written in amusing and different ways. You could say we’re a quirky bunch.
It was actually our copy-editor in chief Teoman C. ’25’s idea. Finally over winter break, I drafted the website myself on Wix. It was a lot of fun. I really like designing things. Teoman will take over the website after I graduate, so I hope it continues on. It would be really cool to get an archive side to that website as well.